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 Report of Aids campain in college Djablé

Report of Aids campain in college Djablé

  • vzr
  • Dimanche 15/04/2007
  • 10:15
  • Lu 1216 fois
  • Version imprimable

Report of the public awareness campaign against Vih/Sida with the College of general education Djagblé after short presentations, we approached several topics relating to the aids

- the awakening of the young people in the framework of our project of sensitizing against the vih/sida in the educational circles, we visited this Friday December 15, 2006 the college of Djagblé, village located at 25 kilometers of Lome and we were interested in the pupils of 6th in 3rd, that represents 876 pupils. After on the dangers of pandemia in the company by real figures of cases recencés per hour current.

- prevention: the stress was laid on the sexual abstinence which remains the surest mode of prevention. We mentioned all the same, the use of the male and female condoms like other means of prevention.

- the incentive with test of the voluntary and anonymous tracking was strongly advised in order to know their statute serologic with an aim of protecting and of protecting the others. We insisted on the several liability and the need for changing behavior.

- seropositivity: we specified to them that one could live while carrying the disease. Testimonys on the life of the hiv positives were reported, justifying the importance of tracking.

- the exchange with the pupils: answers were brought to their various questions.

- distribution with the pupils and the teachers of folders of information on the vih/sida as well as condoms. The demonstrations ended in a general satisfaction, moreover the club AIDS of the school also took part by reporting us diffèrents poêmes and songs. To finish the young people promised to make profitable information and the councils collected to inform their entourage.

Fact in Lome, December 27, 2006

Mr. Amétépé Kokouvi